On Being The Villain In Someone’s Story.

You won’t always be a hero.

Sharon Stephen
2 min readJul 8, 2024
Photo by Ryunosuke Kikuno on Unsplash

I’ve been the ‘nice girl’ for most of my life.

I’ve avoided trouble as much as I could and tried my best to not offend people.

Someone else might call this being a people pleaser and having an obsessive desire to be liked by everyone. But it is what it is. Lool.

There are sometimes, very few times where I’ve been different.

Where I’ve been the one to break a heart, or been the one who was a ‘mean girl’. Sometimes this happened because I was tired, hungry or hangry lol.

Other times, I was protecting myself and setting up boundaries to protect my heart.


But regardless of why I acted the way I did, I also can’t ignore the negative effect my actions could have had on people.

I’ve long realised that I can not please everyone. Not everyone would like me and that’s 100% okay.

Sometimes it’s necessary to break someone else’s heart to save yours.

That might seem selfish, but sometimes there’s no other way out of it.

Sometimes you have to be the villain in someone else’s story to be the hero in your own.

And other times, some people just can’t be pleased no matter what you do. Lool.

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Thanks and God bless.


-Sharon Stephen



Sharon Stephen

A young Nigerian woman, sharing her thoughts and feelings, while hoping that you find solace or solidarity in her written words. 💜