New Year New Me. Again?

Give it a rest please.

Sharon Stephen
2 min readJan 2, 2023
Image by me.

It’s that time of the year again.

It’s time to begin a well-known cycle.

Promising ourselves to be different and better, being consistent for 2 weeks, failing, then going back to our default setting.

I’m really not sure what it is about the new year that always motivates humans to want to be their best selves yet.

It’s a lot of pressure, to decide to change in one day, to give yourself so many tasks to do at the same time.


Yo, take it easy this year.

First of all, decide that you’re going to love who you are right now and that there’s nothing wrong with you.

Then decide that you want to be better regardless of the fact that you’re already good as you are.

It’s okay to have a list of goals to accomplish, a list of habits to begin, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself to start at once.

Take it one day at a time, step by step, poco a poco.




Sharon Stephen

A young Nigerian woman, sharing her thoughts and feelings, while hoping that you find solace or solidarity in her written words. 💜