Love Is Patient.
But don’t take this for granted.
Love is a feeling that many humans have felt in the world, from the beginning of it’s creation till now.
But love is more than just a feeling. It’s an experience.
We’ve all experienced love in different shapes, sizes and forms.
The love of God, family, friends or a partner.
Love has many attributes.
Here are it’s attributes from 1st Corinthians 13:
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
Seems like a loottttttt. But this is what true love is.
But I’d like to talk on this one:
Love is patient.
I find it interesting that this is the first attribute of love that was mentioned even before kindness.
Love is patient.
Simply put, patience is the ability to wait.
To wait to understand someone.
To wait for them to grow.
To wait before you react and get angry.
The Greek word for patience is hupomene, which means endurance or to stay under.
Another Greek word for patience is Makrothumia, meaning to be slow to anger or to be long suffering.
Enduring difficult circumstances, situations and even difficult people.
To suffer a difficult situation for a long time is what it means to be patient
If there’s one thing I’ve learnt the hard way, it’s that to truly love someone, it takes a whole lot of work and effort.
Love isn’t a word to use casually, it’s not just a feeling, it’s an intentional action.
Things might not be all rosy and all mushy like the love we’re used to seeing in movies. In real life, it’s a lot different, a lot more difficult. It takes patience, perseverance, consistency, energy, effort, a constant and daily decision.
Love should not be taken for granted.
It’s a very beautiful thing to experience and to be able to give as well.
I hope we all find ways to truly express love to the people we have around us while we can.
I hope you’re patient and kind, I hope you never give up, never lose faith and I hope your love will never fail. ❤️
Thank you so much for taking time to read my writing. It truly means a lot. Please clap up to 50 times, share, comment if you can and also subscribe so you’d get an email everytime a new writing drops.
Thanks and God bless.
-Sharon Stephen