Sharon Stephen
4 min readJan 15, 2021


Genesis Bible Study: Chapter 1–2

In the beginning…….God

It isn’t 100% clear who precisely wrote this Book

What we do know is that men did

And they were inspired by the Holy Spirit

In the beginning, God existed

He’s been there from the beginning of time itself and from the beginning of our own time

Where did we come from?

The short answer- God

We weren’t randomly created

We were made and designed specially

In the image of God to rule the earth that He made

The book of Genesis shows how the earth was formless, just filled with darkness and water. It must have looked so gloomy.

Then God said ‘let there be light’ and there was light

God didn’t take away the darkness, instead He brought light

He brought beauty into the darkness and gave the darkness a purpose

He made all other parts of the earth, sky sun, moon, stars, animals and He looked at it all and said ‘It is good’

Then He made Adam, the Hebrew word for man, in His image and likeness

Male and female, He created made mankind

God carefully created mankind, with a purpose, to rule over the beautiful and good earth that He had just created. Man was made to be like God on earth full of His creative power, full of His love, filled with His breathe.

God said ‘it is not good for man to be alone’

This was the first time He said something wasn’t good

‘I will make a helper, who is right for him’- God

But then something weird happens after, God made land animals and brought them to the Adam (the first of the members of mankind) to name them.

Note how God was already beginning to share the work with man, God’s plan was always to rule with man.

Afterwards it is written that ‘There was still no helper right for him’

Out of the land animals that God made, Adam didn’t find any of them a suitable helper.

So what did God do?

He performed surgery (literally)

Put Adam in a deep sleep (anaesthesia)

Then opened him up (scalpel please?)

Removed a rib (bone graft)

Then closed him up (pass me the vicryl please)

God then made woman (another specie of mankind) from the rib He took from Adam

But hol’up, wait a minute?

Why didn’t God just make woman the same way He made man? Sculpt and then breathe? Why this ‘stress’ of surgery?

Then I saw that God created in different ways:

A- By speaking

B- By sculpting (using His hands) and then breathing

C- By uhhhh….bone grafting? Surgery? Stem cell transplantation? I honestly have no idea how He made woman

But, it shows how God is very dynamic. He doesn’t do things in just 1 way. He can do the same thing in many different ways

Well Adam seemed to be pleased with this new specie and he called her woman, referring to her as the bone from his bone and flesh from his flesh.

I’m also believing that God made woman from man to explain how united they were

They were 2 separate beings but they came from the same source. The woman (Eve) was simply a different expression of the man (Adam)

Then the institution of marriage is established here

‘For this reason, a man shall leave his at her and mother to be joined to his wife and the TWO are united as ONE’

God gave mankind dominion over everything in the earth. Mankind was free to do as they pleased except…. to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

He warned that they could FREELY eat of all the trees except this one, if they did they’d die.

Other things I learned from these 2 chapters

1-Man was created vegetarian. Lool. It’s important to note this. This was God’s original design.

Man became permitted to eat animals as food much later.

2- God rested from His work on the 7th day. He blessed this day and made it a Holy day. God didn’t sleep or slumber, He simply took a break.

God saw the need to take a break from work. How much more you?

3- Marriage is an institution that was made by God. To occur between A MAN AND A WOMAN. It says the TWO different beings together make ONE

4- We are made in the image and likeness of God, not only do we look like Him, we also have His attributes. We share the same power to create just like He did. The same way God created the world with His words and His hands, we can also do the same. Our words have power.

5- We have power. The world is ours, we were given the earth, to take care of it, to rule it.



Sharon Stephen

A young Nigerian woman, sharing her thoughts and feelings, while hoping that you find solace or solidarity in her written words. 💜